Juneleung Chan

How to turn over your editing work to DI perfectly after you finish editing a film ?

* 本文章所述不一定符合所有情况,请根据具体项目酌情进行修改。

* The descriptions in this article may not be applicable to all situations, please modify as appropriate according to specific projects.

1、导出参考小样 Export Reference


A video of the edited film, as the DI’s conform reference.

具体文件参数 File Parameters:

苹果平台 mac 格式 (Format) : Quciktime MOV
编码 (Codec) : Apple Prores
类型 (Type) : 422HQ/422/proxy
声音 (Audio) : PCM/AAC
视窗平台 windows 格式 (Format) : MXF
编码 (Codec) : DNxHD / DNxHR
类型 (Type) : 1080p 100/85/80 8bit / DNxHR SQ/LB
声音 (Audio) : PCM/AAC



设置 setting: mac(左/L) & win(右/R)

画面烧录内容 Burn-in:

文件名 (Render file name) 如e.g.: 20210901_ED_V12_toDI.mov
片段名 (Source filenames) 如e.g.: A001_C015_1214UI_001
片段时间码/帧号 (Timecide/ Frame) 如e.g.: 23:37:19:17/2040953
水印 (Watermark) 如e.g.: to DI studio
特殊效果 (Special effect) 如e.g.: (非必需,Unnecessary) 稳定化、非线性变速 (Stabilization, non-linear speed change)
特殊需求标记 (Special requirements note) 如e.g.: (非必需,Unnecessary) 暂时忽略该版本本部分 (this part of this version can temporarily ignore)
特殊使用的LUT (Special LUT) 如e.g.: (非必需,Unnecessary) BW_LUT_v4.cube



烧录样例 Burn-in Example
(素材下载 Footage Downlaod: https://www.red.com/download/sample-r3d-file-v-raptor-8k-s35-kangaroo)

其他 Others:

分辨率 (Resolution) 如e.g.: HD(1920x1080, 1.78)/ 完成片尺寸(screening size)(2048x858, 2.40/ 1998x 1080, 1.85)
画幅比例 (Aspect ratio) 如e.g.: HD(1920x1080, 1.78)/ 完成片尺寸(screening size)(2048x858, 2.40/ 1998x 1080, 1.85)
遮幅 (Mask) 如e.g.: 若有,保留,但请勿遮挡烧录信息 (keep mask but do not cover the burning information)
正片画面起始时间 (Main Image Start Timecode) 如e.g.: 0R:00:00:00, R为卷数 (R for Reel Num),如(e.g.)01:00:00:00
引导片起始时间 (Leader Start Timecode) 如e.g.: 正片时间回退引导片时长秒数 (Main Image time minus leader time) ,如(e.g.)00:59:52:00



时间线时间码设置 Timeline Timecode Setting

2、导出时间线 Export Timeline


Before exporting the timeline, have the editorial assistant tidy up the timeline, putting footage on as few tracks as possible.

一般拍摄素材放置在V1, V2,特效镜头需要单独放置一轨,如V6或其他项目预定轨道。

Generally, footages are placed in V1 and V2, and VFX shots need to be placed on a separate track, such as V6 or other project predetermined tracks.


Export files in the following formats:

1、 XML FCP 7 XML V5 files
2、 AAF AAF Files
3、 EDL EDL Files
4、 DRT (如果有, if there is) Davinci Resolve Timeline Files


The specific project execution may be different from this, and it shall be executed according to the project document.
